Who We Are

Heartware Network (estb 2000) is a registered Society with the Registry of Societies, and a registered Charity with the Institution of Public Character (IPC) status under Commissioner of Charities (COC), under the Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth (MCCY).

What We Do

We seek to instil positive values and build strong character in youth between ages 14 and 35. We engage our young to be resilient, innovative in serving others, and to be entrepreneurs rooted to Singapore as their home. We are committed to transforming the lives of under-served children and youth by empowering them with greater confidence in their abilities, so as to achieve a brighter future.

Our programmes fall under 3 key thrusts:

Youth Development

Inducts youth into the world of volunteerism by instilling in them a ‘Make A Difference’ attitude through sustainable actions.

Youth Leadership

Empowers and equips youth with leadership skills to plan, lead, and execute large-scale community projects.

Youth Entrepreneurship

Develops life skills for the workspace through entrepreneurship opportunities, instilling a ‘Can Do, Will Do’ attitude.

Who We Engage

Through the years, we have worked with thousands of youth volunteers for various projects and programmes, supported by stakeholders and community partners. These volunteers come from institutions nation-wide, and includes working adults who wish to spend pockets of their free time meaningfully.

Make A Difference with us through our volunteer portal YouthBank, as we make Singapore an even more gracious and beautiful place for all to live in!