The Acclaim Heartware Education Fund (AHEF), supported by Acclaim Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd, is reaching out to you to create a meaningful partnership. It offers a range of awards that can genuinely make a difference. Acclaim Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd is dedicated to beyond just profits – they are committed to creating a positive social impact.

AHEF is specifically focused on supporting volunteers, especially young individuals who need financial assistance for their tertiary journey. It covers tuition fees, provides monthly stipends, assists with laptops, offers valuable work experience, and provides opportunities for a career in the insurance industry.

Here’s something to note: AHEF stands out by helping youth volunteers who need funding for their tertiary education. Despite facing their own financial challenges, these youth volunteers generously contribute their time and effort to help others through Heartware Network programmes.

Your donation holds significant importance for our youths. By joining hands with us, individuals who wish to donate showcase their dedication to society. Let’s collaborate to shape a brighter future. Your support holds immense significance.

If you wish to donate to our cause, you may do so via PayNow:
Please state your mobile number in the reference box if you require a tax deductible receipt.

UEN: T00SS0109G

Alternative to PayNow, you may do an
Interbank GIRO payable to:
Account Name: Heartware Network
Account Number: 970-346621-0
Name of Bank: United Overseas Bank

Contact us at 6509 4414 for more information, or drop us an email to